Ryan Davis

Chief Operating Officer
Tiger Capital Group

As Chief Operating Officer, Ryan Davis oversees the appraisal, disposition, lending and advisory practices of Tiger’s retail, wholesale, and commercial/industrial divisions. Additionally, he facilitates the company’s growth strategies, market positioning and complex transactions.

Davis, a 20-year veteran of the asset-based lending industry, joined Tiger in 2006 as a Senior Financial Analyst. He rose to become the appraisal division’s Managing Director in April 2019 and Executive Managing Director in March 2024.

In the latter capacity, Davis was responsible for the valuation of more than $25 billion of retail, wholesale and industrial assets annually. The L.A.-based executive has operated multiple strategic Tiger investments, including Advanced Sports, Inc. and mDesign, and has worked on high-impact, complex capital transactions involving a wide range of businesses.

Davis holds a degree in finance from the University of Vermont.
