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Private-treaty Sale by Tiger Group Features State-of-the-art Manufacturing Equipment for Molded-fiber Products and Packaging

Stored in the U.S., India and China, assets from California-based Zume include large inventory of compostable food packaging and a wide array of industrial equipment

LOS ANGELES – June 8, 2023 — In an immediate private-treaty sale, Tiger Group is offering more than $30 million of inventory, molded-pulp manufacturing equipment and other assets from the former California plant and global operations of Zume.

The company is well known for manufacturing environmentally conscious food packaging and pulp-molding manufacturing technologies for customers in more than 25 countries, said Jonathan Holiday, Director of Business Development, Tiger Commercial & Industrial. “In this multi-location, international private-treaty sale, Tiger is very pleased to be able to offer a wide array of high-utility packaging manufacturing and industrial equipment, available in select groupings of related assets.”

Much of the equipment and assets come from Zume’s 70,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art processing facility in Camarillo, California, Holiday noted. “This clean, well-maintained, late-model equipment—including dozens of items that are still in the crates—is ready to be used right away by companies in foodservice, packaging and other sectors,” he said.

The sale is an assignment for the benefit of creditors. In addition to Zume’s main location in Camarillo, it features unused pulp and fiber molding equipment stored in India, China and Texas (Grapevine, Southlake, Dallas and Houston), and inventory stored in California (Moorpark, Tracy), New Jersey (Monroe Township) and Pennsylvania (Chalfont).

Tiger is offering the assets below:

• Pulp and Fiber Molding and Manufacturing Equipment, including thermoformer presses, pulp-formers, trimmers, and five complete thermoformer production lines/manufacturing centers. Unused equipment includes 92 thermoformer presses, 23 pulp trimmers and 23 trimmers.
• Industrial Robots (eight 2021 ABB IRB 6700 6-axis robots and one 2017 Fanuc R-2000iC/210F 6-axis robot)
• A wide array of Lab Equipment
• Finished Goods Inventory (compostable and biodegradable packaging for use/sale by foodservice operators/packaging manufacturers)
• Raw Materials for the manufacture of molded-fiber packaging
• The global manufacturer’s diverse Intellectual Property assets

Approximately $3 million in finished goods inventory and raw materials are available in the sale. Zume products included molded-fiber meal boxes, bowls, cups, 3-compartment trays and lids. “Green packaging is still in high demand among consumers, but it is expensive,” Holiday said. “Acquiring packaging in a private-treaty sale is one way for food service companies to meet that demand while controlling costs.”

In 2020, Zume began manufacturing high-quality biodegradable packaging and the molded-fiber cell technology needed to produce it. Zume offered global food brands “the hardware, software, and services to transition away from plastic without disrupting manufacturing processes or the bottom line,” according to a press release.

Noted Holiday: “This private-treaty sale represents a strong opportunity for those who are looking to create a new future. Meanwhile, many of the assets available in this sale, such as the industrial robots, are of strong interest to companies outside the packaging sector.”

For private treaty inquiries, email [email protected] or call (805) 367-3893.

For asset photos, descriptions, and other information, visit